There’s a special event about to unfold! And I am so much looking forward to it! On June 1st 2017 I will host All-Ante Grgin concert at Croatian Composers’ Society with several Croatian top clarinetists to join me for this special occas More...
Hvala hrvatskom Veleposlanstvu u Beogradu u kojem sam 5. ožujka nastupio povodom 25. obljetnice međunarodnog priznanja Republike Hrvatske. Uz djela hrvatskih majstora Grgina i Klobučara, program sam zaokružio klasicima Cavallinia i Kovácsa. Prekrasna More...
After experiencing some delays in traffic I finally arrived in Belgrade and immediately switched myself into the fast mode for tonight’s concert It’s going to be a one-man recital feat. unaccompanied pieces of mixed genres. Following the con More...