June 28, 2015

Concert with Camerata Cantilly – Aftermath


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Tags: camerata cantilly harmoniemusik nonet octet oktet samobor vincent jockin

After a few days of a rest, I was finally able to ‘recover’ and find the time to tell you more about the concert with Camerata Cantilly.
I am happy and relieved now that it is all over – it was an immense joy for me to lead the Ensemble once again. And I can tell you, Camerata is something very special – a vision that I embraced already in 2013 and tailored it to a full-scale, one-of-a-kind artistic form. The future is promising – there are three concerts scheduled for the autumn already, one of them our first international appearance. The collaboration with composers, arrangers and other musicians continues. We are introducing our specific sound to even a bigger audience now.
Our repertoire is expanding. Our performance is evolving. Our Passion is growing.
Camerata Cantilly is Samobor based, International Ensemble, a vision that became a project and ultimately evolved into a distinctive and respectable entity in the music life of Croatia.

Photo Credit: Tomislav Pavlek

About MihaelPaar.com

Clarinetist, Producer & Mentor. Founder @ccantilly™ Mozarteum Alumni. D'Addario/BC Artist. 24/7 Learner. Hardly ever standstill. Global