“Your passion drives your fantasy, your soul feeds your sound and you surrender your life to your music.”
Mihael Paar
An avid spokesman of the written word, Mihael Paar regularly extends and combines his music occupation with writing. Being the author of dozens of texts, either in the form of a commentary, itinerary or satire, as well as the author of several scientific papers covering the field of music, he continues to explore the magic of the writing process, starting with the preceding struggle to the euphoria that accompanies the final, print-ready product – a journey that is all too known to every writer.
With ever intrigue choice of topics, his texts are entireties of rounded off compositions, the syntax multi-layered in materials and polished to the detail. Affinity towards different types of literary styles of expression has been tended since his high-school days and is still growing. Most of his works are in Croatian, with several topics covered in English, all being published in various domestic newspapers and international scientific journals. As put in one of his interviews “the essential, primordial gift to think, speak and write is so blessing and rewarding that we should all fundamentally enjoy a profound writing, strong epistle or just the beauty of a single word“.
Večer koja će se pamtiti! Oproštajni koncert Maestra Ante Grgina u Zagrebu. Prekrasno i emotivno. Jedinstveno! Izveli smo sve Capriccie, Duo, Trio i Kvintet. Ante je potom rekao i dvi-tri riči, a onda i zasvirao onako kako samo on zna. Hvala Bruni, Ab More...
What a treat! Little Christmas Fantasy was premiered on Thursday December 3rd 2015 in the USA by American Clarinetist Christy Andrews. Check out Christy’s performance preceded by the brief pre-concert talk explaining how she got introduced to my More...
Biste li rađe poslušali ikonu poput Beatlesa ili puno manje poznati Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band? Ako ste upoznati s životom i opusom slavne četvorke iz Liverpoola onda znate o čemu je ovdje riječ. Navedeni ‘manje poznati’ sastav, More...
Sjedinjene Američke Države, jednostavnije i uvrježenije – Amerika: velesila, kolijevka maskultura i novih svjetonazora, danas još i utjelovljenje brojnih kontroverzi i dubioza, s rastućim brojem nesimpatizera na svim stranama svijeta. Studenti iz s More...
Nakon trodnevnog boravka u Italiji, povratak u Salzburg na dijelu linije od Verone do Innsbrucka, ponudio je jedinstveno iskustvo alternativnog svjetonazora talijansko – germanske provenijencije. Na lokalnoj postaji u Bolzanu, u vlak su, naime, ušl More...
Jedno od značajnih svjetskih natjecanje glazbenika, Jeunesses Musicales International već niz godina za svoj centar odabire Bukurešt, a za pokrovitelja rumunjski ogranak te organizacije. Ideju svjetske glazbene mladeži, začetu još 1945. godine, pr More...